Pediatric Urology Bihar

Membership Guidelines


There shall be following category of members.
Full Members:

Full members shall be qualified Urologists engaged in active practice of urology in Bihar India. These full members who migrate places other than Bihar India will go in to a category of affiliated members.

Associate members:

Associate members shall be Urology post graduates undergoing training at recognized institution in Bihar India. Other registered medical practitioners of Modern Medicine (Allopathy) who are interested in fostering relationship and furtherance of Urological progress in Bihar India.

Affiliated members:

Affiliated members shall be qualified Urologists engaged in active practice of Urology in areas other than Bihar India.

Rights of Members

  • 1. Only full members have the right to vote.
  • 2. Only full members shall become office bearers of the Society .
  • 3. All classes of members shall have the right to attend any scientific proceedings of the Society .

Cessation of Membership

Any member may resign from his membership at any time by serving a notice in writing to the Secretary. Such resignation shall not relieve the member from the responsibility to pay any dues to the Society prior to ceasing to be a member.

The Council shall have the right to terminate the membership or alter the class of any individual member even after election, if it is subsequently found that material facts supplied in the application were incorrect.

The Council shall have the powers to terminate the membership of any member

Who have been found guilty of unprofessional behaviour or of working against the interest of the Society provided that members concerned is offered full opportunity to present his case to the Council and provided that in case of termination of membership, the latter is confirmed at the Annual General Body Meeting by two third majority of members present.

Who have defaulted in paying the Society dues for over a period.

Bihar Urological Society of India